Saturday, December 14, 2013

Graceful and Merciful

Our Wednesday night study group talked about our need to be more like Mary--graceful and merciful.  We pondered all of the ways that we could be more merciful and graceful next year than we are now.

One of the ways that I left unsaid was our need to speak up.  It seems as if the church can be a place where we don't provide the loving feedback.  Instead, it feels as if we sometimes keep our mouths the name of being Christian.  At least we keep our mouths shut until we are away from the person who offended...then we often share our concerns with others.

What if we lovingly confronted the individual and lovingly pointed out the concern?  It is a risk but could it help to minimize "bad behavior" in the future?  Of course, there is a risk and our hearts (and motives) need to be pure.  But isn't it more loving to employ the rule of Christ and address the concern instead of spreading the poison through others?

Oh our imperfect churches....we (I) have so much to learn and practice!

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